Police Liaison

The perception of crime is often the biggest problem we have and it was no different when the Parish Council recently met up with the Daventry Community Safety Manager and the Neighbourhood Police Officer.

The fact is that the Brixworth crime figures are diminishing year-on-year.

However there had been a recent spike in theft from vehicles in the village and a gang from Nottingham had been subsequently arrested. Violent crime, including domestic violence, saw a slight increase, which is in line with national trends.

Is there less crime? Well, it’s not quite as simple as that. Social media plays its part in increasing this perception but there certainly isn’t the evidence to suggest that  local crime is increasing or out of control. The Parish Council has agreed to continue to promote community safety in the following ways:

Encourage the reporting of crime: Police resources are allocated to hot spots. Without reports, these areas cannot be identified. Use the 101 hotline to report crime where possible.

Work with the Neighbourhood Watch Team: Provide signage and resources, and encourage volunteers and community members to play a role in crime prevention.

Promote Crime Prevention: Share key messages via social media. The Parish Council can link to Northants Police who recommend products which can be used by the community.

Host Events: Such as a tool marking morning for local trades people.

Promote Seasonal Safety: From the Northants Police and the Community Safety Team.

Use the Crime Prevention Officer: Look at lighting levels, landscaping etc and recommend improvements.