ECO4 flex energy efficiency scheme

ECO4 flex is a government energy efficiency scheme designed to help alleviate fuel poverty and reduce carbon emissions.


Through this scheme, funding is now available for households in West Northamptonshire who are on a low income and/or are particularly vulnerable to the impacts of living in a cold home. The funding is available for things that can improve the energy efficiency of your home like insulation and heating systems.

An installer will need to visit your property to make an assessment and provide recommendations on what work should be carried out at your property.

The scheme is funded by energy companies and so they will review the recommendations they are provided by the installer and make a final decision on what measures will be installed at each property, if any.

Each household will need to complete a declaration form with the installer to show that they are eligible for the scheme and provide evidence to support this.

If you live in a private home (rented or owned) with an EPC rating of D or below and have a combined household income of £31,000 or less, then you are likely to be eligible for this scheme.

Even if you don’t meet these criteria but are living in a private home with a low energy efficiency rating and are facing fuel poverty you may still be eligible – for example, if you have a certain medical condition or another reason why you might need additional help meeting your energy needs.

How to apply

All potentially eligible households should apply through Better Housing Better Health on 0800 107 0044 to ensure they can either benefit from the scheme or be assessed for eligibility under any other relevant programme.