Energy Grants and Support

ECO4 Flex is a government scheme, funded by energy companies, that supports households on a low income or those particularly vulnerable to the impacts of living in a cold home.

Funding is available for things that can improve the energy efficiency of your home, like insulation and heating systems.

Better Housing


If you live in a private home (rented or owned) with an EPC rating of D or below and have a combined household income of £31,000 or less, then you are likely to be eligible for this scheme.

Even if you don’t meet these criteria, but are living in a private home with a low energy efficiency rating, you may still be eligible for funding if:

– you or a member of your household has a medical condition that makes you more vulnerable to cold

– you are over 65 or a member of your family is under the age of 5 or over 65

– a member of your household is in receipt of Council Tax Support

– a member of your household is in receipt of free school meals, due to low income

– you have been referred to the scheme by the council or by Citizen’s Advice after being identified as struggling to pay your utility bills.

For more information, visit: