Have Your Say – WNC Draft Local Plan

You are invited to give your views on the draft Local Plan and help shape the future of West Northamptonshire.

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People across West Northamptonshire are being invited to have their say on the draft Local Plan strategy which enables West Northamptonshire Council (WNC) to plan for the future of the area positively and sustainably by guiding decisions on future development proposals and creating places where people wish to live, work and visit and will thrive.

The draft Plan sets out a vision and objectives for the area, its ambitions for new development and commitment to dealing with climate change. The Plan allocates land for housing and employment and contains a series of planning policies for these and many other topics such as leisure, transport, health and wellbeing, infrastructure and the environment and where development can and cannot take place.

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Once adopted the new Plan will replace current plans that cover West Northamptonshire and form part of the development plan against which planning decisions are made.

This consultation is gives residents the opportunity to get involved with this stage of the local plan process and will help WNC consider and address issues before a final draft is produced. People can have their say from Monday 8 April to Sunday 2 June by visiting: Have your say on West Northamptonshire’s new draft Local Plan – West Northamptonshire Council – Citizen Space

The eight-week period of public consultation will commence Monday 08 April 2024 and run to 23:59 to Sunday 02 June 2024. Representations received after this time will not be accepted.