New Strategic Plan for the Area – Issues Consultation

The local planning authorities in West Northamptonshire have agreed to prepare a new Strategic Plan for the area. This covers the period 2019-2041, although this vision may look further ahead.

This Plan replaces the West Northamptonshire Joint Core Strategy.

This Consultation is the first stage in preparing the new Plan and no decisions have been made. The purpose of the document is to raise awareness and stimulate debate.

An ‘Issues Consultation’ document which includes a series of questions is now available. Your views on the issues are welcome. A Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report is also available for comment and there is the opportunity to put forward your ideas for strategic sites through a ‘call for sites’ exercise. Both documents are available for public consultation from 5th August to 11th October.

To view the documents go to

You are encouraged to visit the website and use the online forms available to respond to the consultation.

The documents are also available for inspection from Council Offices at:

– Northamptonshire County Council, ONE Angel Square, Northampton, NN1 1ED;

– Daventry District Council, Lodge Road, Daventry NN11 4FP.

The documents are also available for inspection from the Brixworth Library on Spratton Road, Brixworth.

A series of public exhibitions will also take place during the consultation period as set out in the table below:


Venue Date Times

Brackley Town Hall

High Street, Brackley, NN13 7DS

Thursday 19 September 2pm-7pm

Daventry Town Council

New Street, Daventry, NN11 4BT

Monday 16 September 2pm-7pm

Naseby Village Hall

Haselbech Road, NN6 6DE

Wednesday 18 September 2pm-7pm

The Guildhall Northampton

(Court Room), St Giles’ Square, NN1 1DE

Wednesday 11 September 2pm-7pm

The Guildhall Northampton

(Court Room), St Giles’ Square, NN1 1DE

Tuesday 17 September 2pm-7pm

Towcester Library

Moat Lane, Towcester, NN12 6AD

Tuesday 10  September 2pm-7pm

 How to comment:

The easiest way to respond is online via the consultation website:

Word versions of the response forms are also available on the website. Paper copies of response forms are available at the Councils’ offices and public libraries in West Northamptonshire and on request from the Joint Planning Unit (email:   or phone: 01604 838678).

Hard copies of the response forms can be returned by post to: West Northamptonshire Joint Planning Unit, The Guildhall, St Giles Square, Northampton, NN1 1DE or electronically to: