Northamptonshire Health, Care and Wellbeing Plan

Join the conversation and have your say

In January 2019 the NHS launched its Long Term Plan, which sets out its ambition to make sure everyone has the best start in life, receives world-class care for major health problems and gets the support they need to age well.

Locally, our county’s health and care organisations are working together through Northamptonshire Health and Care Partnership (NHCP) to shape our local response to this, called the Northamptonshire Health, Care and Wellbeing Plan. This plan represents the commitment between health and care providers in Northamptonshire and the members of the local Health and Wellbeing Board to work together on a plan for our county.

Together our vision for the future of Northamptonshire’s health and care is to have a positive lifetime of health, wellbeing and care for all those in our community.

Whether it’s your opinion on the plan’s priorities, or how you and your family get health advice, support and services we want you to join the conversation. You’re at the heart of everything we do, so we want to make sure your voice is heard.

You can give us your feedback by visiting and completing the short online survey.