Services – What the Council does

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Here is a handy list of some of the duties we must do and the powers we can use.

Our duties

The Parish Council MUST do the following:

Accounts: We must keep proper accounts which are audited and have someone responsible for keeping them
Acceptance of Office: All Parish Councillors have to sign to say they will follow the law and the rules of the Parish Council
Annual Parish Meeting: We must hold one for anyone in the Parish to attend if they wish. This is a meeting about parish matters, not just Parish Council matters. Anyone could call it, but in reality it is the Parish Council which does
Annual Meeting of the Parish Council: A formal meeting called by the Parish Council which involves electing a Chair and Vice Chair for the next year. Councillors will also resolve to adopt key governance document and representatives for working groups, policies and financial standings
Bio-diversity: Duty to consider it in all Council activity
Website information: Duty to provide information

Our Powers

The Parish Council CAN do:

Allotments: We can provide allotments if that is possible. The price of land makes this very expensive. There are already two allotment sites in the village. The contact for allotments (Not a Parish Council Service – these are run by Committee)

Allotments adj Saxon Rise – Frank Letts 01604 881229

-Allotments by the Church – Robin Pool  01604 881166  or  07977144596  

Benches Provision of 3 benches, previously situated at the the Brixworth Railway Station and now placed at Glebe Road Allotments, the Millennium Gardens and on Holcot Road. These were refurbishing tas part of a heritage project and work completed in April 2024
Burial grounds At present Parish Council provision of this is not necessary in Brixworth
Bus shelters We do provide bus shelters. Some near new estates are given to us by developers
Bye-laws We have bye laws for our Recreation Grounds which have the force of law
Christmas lights We organise the community Christmas lights in the village every year year
Citizens Advice We have the power to provide grants to the CAB
Community Centre The Parish Council are trustees of the charity which runs the Community Centre building. Also custodian trustee to the Village Hall
Crime prevention We have Speedwatch in the village with members of the local community being trained to use radar speed guns to educate speeding motorists. It is now run by the Community, but the Parish Council set it up initially. It runs at no cost to the Parish Council
Entertainment Power to support
Grass Cutting The Council maintains the grass on its own land and works on a two weekly cycle. It also cuts the highway verges on the 30 mph roads only on behalf the new unitary council (West Northamptonshire Council). It is reimbursed for this work. To report grass cutting outside of the village area please use the West Northamptonshire Council’s Self Service – Reporting Form

Note – Grass cutting on The Ashway (David Wilson) please contact of call 01604 784000 (Option 3)

Since 2023, Brixworth Parish Council has embraced ‘No Mow May’ to promote biodiversity.

Highways West Northants Council provides this service. However the Parish provides street seats, carries out the grass cutting on behalf of the Council and provides some environmental enhancements such as the entrance sign planters. Highway faults can be reported via the County Street Doctor online reporting tool
Litter We provide a number of litter bins and dog waste bins on our own land. West Northants Council provides this service on the highway including outside of the shops
Newsletters Our newsletter is published within the Brixworth Bulletin at quarterly intervals. This is supplemented by our website ,Twitter, Instagram & Facebook feeds in between times
Open Spaces  We maintain both The Pound and the Millenium Gardens
Parks We own and maintain St David’s Rec,Spratton Road Rec, the Ashway Sports Field, the Pocket Park near Eaglehurst and a number of smaller patches of land throughout the village. We provide and maintain play equipment on them
Planning We are consultee’s on Planning Applications, though the West Northamptonshire Council makes the final decision. We also consider Pre Apps if these are referred to us for comment
Play Equipment Provision of play equipment at Spratton Road, The Ashway and St David’s Recreation Grounds
Street Lights The Parish Council owns and maintains street lights at

St David’s Road – outside numbers 22, 25 and 28

Parkfield Road – outside number 23

All Saints Church – Gate on Church Street and Gate on Station Road

Swedish Houses at Froghall

Spratton Road 55 – 66

All street lights upgraded to Holophone 18w LED Lanterns in August 2021.

Note – Street lights on The Ashway (David Wilson) please contact of call 01604 784000 (Option 3)

Street Lights on Saxon Rise also maintained by a Management Company – Chamonixe Estates –

All other street lights are owned and maintained by the Highway Authority. Please use Street Doctor to report faults

Traffic calming We can take measures to reduce speeding. In 2018 we introduced a Speed Indicator Device and this is moved around the village. We share the collected data
Transport Powers to fund community transport schemes
Trees Maintenance of over 100 trees. All inspected on an annual basis and any required work undertaken
Village signs Powers to provide village signs.- Maintenance of over 100 trees. All inspected on an annual basis and any required work undertaken
War memorials The Parish Council has taken on the right to maintain this listed memorial and in recent times has arranged its cleaning

What else could we provide?

Not top of our list, but we have powers to provide Public Clocks, to buy land, can subsidise any telecommunications facilities and also provide public toilets.