Councillor Resource Area

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Principles of Public Life

The seven principles of public life apply to anyone who works as a public office-holder. This includes people who are elected or appointed to public office, nationally and locally, and all people appointed to work in local government. For further information on the seven principles and the work of the Committee on Standards in Public Life, visit the Committee’s website and blogsite.

Key Documents

Key local documents for Parish Councillors include –

Supporting Information

Dates of Meetings

The Good Councillor Guide

Good Councillor Guide – Finance & Transparency

Good Employer Guide

Communications Toolkit

Role of the Parish Clerk

Role of the Chairman of the Council 

Parish Council Toolkit

Powers and Duties

Committee, Working Group and Representatives 2024/2025

 Free on line trainin

ACAS Web Site (Includes Equality & Diversity Training) 

Training & Development Opportunities

All courses provided by NCALC

The list of available courses can be seen here: NCALC training page.

E-Learning courses available can be found here: NCALC E-Learning

New Councillor useful reading can be found here: Good Councillors Guides.

All Training Courses are financed by the Parish Council. Please ask the Parish Clerk to book any for you.

Useful Planning Documents

Advice for Parishes

How to respond to planning applications

You can view all of the Planning Policy documents on the documents/ policies page.

Discussing a motion in a meeting

Motion Flow Chart

Council Report Template

Declaring an Interest in a meeting

Declaring an interest

Registering Interest

Download the Registration of interest form Councillors Declaration Form (835 downloads ) and once completed it should be sent to to the Monitoring Officer at

PC Street Doctor Log

Councillors can record any Street Doctor submissions using the link below. Please note, this does not submit a report to Street Doctor, it is purely a recording tool.

Councillor Saturday Surgery Booking

Councillors can use the below link to book on to support the Saturday Surgery Sessions.

If you have any useful links to share of have any ideas on how this page can be improved please contact the Parish Clerk.