Brixworth Community Centre

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Brixworth Community Centre

Brixworth Community Centre is part of the County Council Library building located on Spratton Road. The Parish Council has a lease for the Centre, which includes the Community Hall, Community Meeting Room, Olive Branch Coffee Shop and Information Point.

In April 2010 the Centre became a registered charity, with the Parish Council being the sole trustee.

The Brixworth Christian Fellowship manage the day to day running of the Centre.

All Parish Council meetings are held in the Centre generally on the last Thursday of the month. Our Finance Committee, Personnel Committee and Planning Committee also use the Centre, meeting regularly throughout the year.

Agendas are available on the Parish Council notice board adjacent to Troops.

The Parish Clerk and Administrative Assistants work from the Information Point inside the Community Centre every Monday and Wednesday. (10 am until 12 noon.) Our Admin support is also available on Tuesdays between 10am – 2pm.

The booking form must be completed prior to use –

Conditions of Hire

To make a booking please contact the Centre Manager Mr Mike Nice on 01604 880086 or you can email him:

Hire Charges from 1st April 2024

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All Hirers must arrange for all necessary music licences to comply with copyright law.

Regular Bookings

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Updated May 2024

Flag Days

The Union Flag is flown at the Community Centre on days such as the marking the birthdays of members of the Royal Family, Commonwealth Day, Coronation Day, The King’s official birthday and Remembrance Day.

All of the days for the flying the flag on public buildings are shown here.


Information Point

Opening Times

Monday (Parish Clerk)10.00am – 12 noon
Tuesday (Parish Admin)10.00am – 2.00pm
Wednesday (Parish Clerk)10.00am – 12 noon
Thursday10.00am – 4.00pm
Friday10.00am – 4.00pm
Saturday10.00am – 12 noon

Information Point telephone 01604 882622 or email