Meeting Documents 2021/2022

Media & Communications Committee – Terms of Reference

Planning Committee – Terms of Reference

Committee and Working Group Membership

Media & Communications – Video Conferencing 14th April 2021 Agenda Minutes
Planning Committee – Video Conferencing 19th April 2021 Agenda Minutes
Full Parish Council – Video Conferencing 29th April 2021 Agenda & Papers Minutes
Planning Committee –  Video Conferencing 4th May 2021 Agenda Minutes
Parish Council Elections  6th May 2021
Annual Council 19th May 2021 Agenda Minutes
Planning Committee 24th May 2021 Agenda Minutes
Annual Meeting of the Parish (Community Meeting) 26th May 2021 Agenda Minutes
Full Parish Council 26th May 2021 Agenda & Papers Minutes
Planning Committee 7th June 2021 Agenda & Papers Minutes
Media & Communications 9th June 2021 Agenda Not quorate
Planning Committee 28th June 2021 Agenda Minutes
Full Parish Council 29th June 2021 Agenda & Papers Minutes
Media & Communications 14th July 2021 Agenda Minutes
Planning Committee 26th July 2021 Agenda Minutes
Full Parish Council 29th July 2021 Agenda & Papers Minutes
Planning Committee 9th August 2021 Cancelled
Media & Communications 11th August 2021 Cancelled
Full Parish Council 24th August 2021 Agenda & Papers Minutes
Planning Committee 6th September 2021 Agenda Minutes
Media & Communications 8th September 2021 Agenda Minutes
Planning Committee 27th September 2021 Agenda Minutes
Full Parish Council 30th September 2021 Agenda & Papers Minutes
Media & Communications 25th October 2021 Cancelled
Planning Committee 25th October 2021 Agenda Minutes
Full Parish Council 28th October 2021 Agenda & Papers Minutes
Planning Committee 8th November 2021 Agenda Minutes
Media & Communications Committee 10th November 2021 Agenda Minutes
Parish Council (Extraordinary) 10th November 2021 Agenda Minutes
Full Parish Council 25th November 2021 Agenda Minutes
Planning Committee 29th November 2021 Agenda Minutes
Media & Communications Committee 8th December 2021 Agenda Minutes
Full Parish Council 16th December 2021 Agenda & Papers Minutes
Planning Committee 20th December 2021 Agenda Minutes
Planning Committee 10th January 2022 Cancelled due to no new planning applications
Media and Communications Committee 12th January 2022 Agenda Minutes
Full Council 13th January 2022 CANCELLED due to the budget being agreed at December Full Council Meeting and that being the sole reason for the meeting.
Full Council 27th January 2022 Agenda Minutes
Planning Committee 31st January 2022 Agenda Minutes
Planning Committee 21st February 2022 Agenda Minutes
Full Council 24th February 2022 Agenda Minutes
Media and Communications Committee 9th March 2022 Agenda Minutes
Planning Committee 14th March 2022 Cancelled Not quorate
Full Council 31st March 2022 Agenda Minutes