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Council meetings are held at the Community Centre & Library  on Spratton Road, with access to the meetings being via the side door. Access via the main door can be arranged by contacting the Parish Clerk.

Please see the Meetings Documents page for Agendas of all meetings. 

Full council meetings are usually held on the last Thursday of the month. The start time is 7.30pm.

The Planning Committee meetings are held at three weekly intervals. The start time is 7.30pm.

The Finance Committee and Personnel Committee meet once a quarter, or as required. Advance notice of these meetings will be given via our website, social media and community notice board.

Parish Council meetings have a public forum at the beginning. Members of the public will be invited to speak during the public forum, but any questions asked will not usually receive immediate answers. Members of the public who wish to ask a question of the council should ensure they leave their contact details with the Clerk, either by email, or written down before or after the meeting, to allow a written response.

Parts of our meetings may be confidential in nature. During the meeting the public will be asked to leave the meeting temporarily if a resolution is passed to conduct business in closed session.

The dates of all of our scheduled public meetings can be found on the events page of this web site.

Please check the web site prior to attending a meeting as they can rearranged to meet the business requirements of the Parish Council and Extraordinary meetings can occur when there is urgent business to transact that cannot wait until the next council meeting.