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Carbon Literacy Action Day

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On Monday 4th December, we are taking part in the Carbon Literacy Action Day – the world’s largest climate education-and-action training event, coinciding with COP28. The Action Day is a global movement which sees the largest number of people simultaneously complete Carbon Literacy training in a single day. 

Becoming Carbon Literate means taking actionable steps towards tackling the climate emergency, and here at Brixworth Parish Council we are passionate about doing everything we can to mitigate the effects of climate change within our community. 

For us, taking actionable steps towards mitigating climate change is vital because we want to ensure a healthier planet for future generations, preserve biodiversity, and reduce the impact of extreme weather events on our communities and ecosystems.

Master CL Infographic Website

Our planned activity for the Action Day is to deliver Carbon Literacy training to members of our officers, Councillors and working group members.

Taking part in the Carbon Literacy Action Day is important for us because it means:
✅ Fostering a greater understanding of the climate crisis, our carbon footprint and the different ways in which we can reduce our collective carbon impact.
✅ Creating a positive change in our organisation and/or industry.
✅ Developing a strong understanding of the global and local impacts of climate change.
✅ Working together with others to create lasting change and hope for all.
✅ Getting out of our comfort zone and making an impact by doing something extraordinary.
✅ Taking effective climate action and aspiring towards a low-carbon culture as much as we possibly can. 

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Community, Environment

White Ribbon Day 2023

🤍✋ Brixworth Parish Council stand together against domestic violence and violence against women. Let’s break the silence, challenge stereotypes, and work towards a world where all can live free from fear. Join us in the fight for a safer, more equal future. ✋🤍

Brixworth Parish Council supports White Ribbon Day. Here is our administrator, Gavin, explaining more about the national campaign to end men’s violence against women and #changethestory

Scan the QR code on the video for more information, or visit


Energy Grants and Support

ECO4 Flex is a government scheme, funded by energy companies, that supports households on a low income or those particularly vulnerable to the impacts of living in a cold home.

Funding is available for things that can improve the energy efficiency of your home, like insulation and heating systems.

Better Housing


If you live in a private home (rented or owned) with an EPC rating of D or below and have a combined household income of £31,000 or less, then you are likely to be eligible for this scheme.

Even if you don’t meet these criteria, but are living in a private home with a low energy efficiency rating, you may still be eligible for funding if:

– you or a member of your household has a medical condition that makes you more vulnerable to cold

– you are over 65 or a member of your family is under the age of 5 or over 65

– a member of your household is in receipt of Council Tax Support

– a member of your household is in receipt of free school meals, due to low income

– you have been referred to the scheme by the council or by Citizen’s Advice after being identified as struggling to pay your utility bills.

For more information, visit:
