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CPRE – Rooftop Solar Campaign

Did you know that installing rooftop solar panels on new buildings and over car parks alone could generate nearly the same amount of power as 10 nuclear power plants?


When rooftops across the country can host so much of the new solar energy we need, why are we not ensuring every suitable roof is being used for solar panels?

Time is running out to take meaningful action on the climate emergency. But we also have a duty to make the best possible use of our finite land and leave space for wildlife and homegrown food.

The Countryside Chairty CPRE are calling on the government to set a new and ambitious target for generating clean and affordable electricity from rooftops across the country.

Expert research for CPRE has shown that at least 60% of the solar energy we need can be delivered through installations on new builds, commercial buildings and car parks.

Delivering more rooftop solar can help:

– Cut carbon emissions and tackle the climate emergency

– Spare more land for farming and nature

– Reduce sky high electricity bills

– Make our energy system more efficient by generating power close to where it’s needed

– Protect our beautiful countryside

“We know that when we speak with one voice the government will act. Last year, CPRE’s people-powered campaign stopped the return of fracking. Now they urgently need your support to persuade the government to deliver solar panels on rooftops across the country”.

To sign the petition and to find out more, visit


Host A Councillor – Open For Businesses

The Councillors at Brixworth Parish Council are committed to making a difference in the village. For some time, they have been meeting and greeting residents at the Community Centre & Library building. In a recent initiative, we launched ‘Host A Councillor’ giving our councillors the opportunity to meet even more people, from all demographics in other community locations. We were able to hear the thoughts, views and concerns of residents who may have been unable to attend one of our Saturday surgery sessions.

We are excited to announce that we are now extending our Host A Councillor programme to all local Brixworth businesses. Hosting a Councillor can foster collaboration, support local commerce, and provide a valuable platform for community engagement. It will also provide an opportunity for your team and customers to engage with a Parish Council representative.

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If your business would be interested in welcoming a councillor (or two) to spend some time at your premises/offices, we would love to hear from you. We are very much interested in the views of everyone in the village and if you feel this would benefit your business, please contact us for further details.


Spratton Road Phone Box

BT has contacted WNC with proposals to remove payphones from around West Northants, including the pay phone outside of the community centre on Spratton Road. Data shared from BT has shown this phone box has been used 18 times in the last 12 months.

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WNC is formulating a draft response to BT’s proposals and we are encouraging residents to give WNC their views on it.

If you would like to comment, please email by the 12th of October.


St David’s Recreational Ground – MUGA Private Hire

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Private hire bookings are now open for the MUGA at St David’s Recreational Grounds.

The MUGA is available for local clubs to private hire on Wednesdays and Fridays, between 9am and 9pm. At all other times, the MUGA is available for general public use.

If you would like to book the MUGA, please visit our dedicated bookings page at

For more information, please contact the office team, who will be happy to help.
