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On yer Bike! – Saturday 30th September 2023

We are all for greener, cleaner ways to get around. Mike, one of our supporters of Brixworth Climate Action Group, will be running an ‘On yer Bike’ awareness session between 10am-12noon outside the Brixworth Community Centre on Saturday 30th September.

Whether its a battery powered power wash, green lube, maintenance check or general advice, we encourage you to bring your cycles – whatever the state, for some free advice and a complimentary clean.

If you own or are considering an E-Bike, Mike will also be bringing his own and will be happy to answer any of your questions. 🚲



New Grants Scheme

West Northamptonshire Council (WNC) has launched a new grants scheme which aims to
create additional volunteering opportunities following funding from Central Government via
the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF).

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Grants from £100 to £1,500 are available for Voluntary and Community Sector projects to
address a local community need and support the Council’s vision to make West
Northamptonshire a great place to live, work, visit and thrive.

The funding is available for new or existing projects or services in West Northamptonshire
which create additional volunteering opportunities. This can be for one-off events or an
extended number of times such as weekly, monthly, or as and when required.

Registered charities, voluntary or community groups, constitutionalised clubs, or not-forprofit organisations which operate within the geographical area of West Northamptonshire
Council and meet the needs of local residents are invited to submit an expression of interest

Cllr David Smith, WNC’s Cabinet Member for Community Safety and Engagement, and
Regulatory Services, said: “The Voluntary and Community Sector are often the unsung
heroes who provide vital services to our communities and we’re delighted to be able to offer
the opportunity to apply for this fund.

“These grants will enable organisations to recruit new volunteers and continue their valuable
work. So, if you fit the criteria, fill out an expression of interest form or get in touch with our
Grants Team to find out more.”

Further information and the full criteria for applications can be found on the WNC website
and in the Council’s Community Funding Grants Framework.

If you would like to speak to the Community Funding Grants Team about your project or
your eligibility to apply for this grant, email:
including your contact telephone number, as a telephone conversation can sometimes clarify
a question more efficiently.


ECO4 flex energy efficiency scheme

ECO4 flex is a government energy efficiency scheme designed to help alleviate fuel poverty and reduce carbon emissions.


Through this scheme, funding is now available for households in West Northamptonshire who are on a low income and/or are particularly vulnerable to the impacts of living in a cold home. The funding is available for things that can improve the energy efficiency of your home like insulation and heating systems.

An installer will need to visit your property to make an assessment and provide recommendations on what work should be carried out at your property.

The scheme is funded by energy companies and so they will review the recommendations they are provided by the installer and make a final decision on what measures will be installed at each property, if any.

Each household will need to complete a declaration form with the installer to show that they are eligible for the scheme and provide evidence to support this.

If you live in a private home (rented or owned) with an EPC rating of D or below and have a combined household income of £31,000 or less, then you are likely to be eligible for this scheme.

Even if you don’t meet these criteria but are living in a private home with a low energy efficiency rating and are facing fuel poverty you may still be eligible – for example, if you have a certain medical condition or another reason why you might need additional help meeting your energy needs.

How to apply

All potentially eligible households should apply through Better Housing Better Health on 0800 107 0044 to ensure they can either benefit from the scheme or be assessed for eligibility under any other relevant programme.


Fill The Box

Library Social Graphic WNC Insta Instagram Post Square 1

In a bold move towards sustainability and community support, West Northamptonshire Council (WNC) has partnered with Northampton Hope Centre and libraries across the region to establish food donation stations in each library. This initiative is aligned with the Council’s commitment to sustainability while also addressing the challenges of food poverty that many families and individuals are currently facing.

As part of this groundbreaking initiative, households are encouraged to contribute surplus, in-date, non-perishable goods via conveniently placed donation points in their local libraries. The donated items will be collected and distributed to community larders and those experiencing homelessness throughout West Northamptonshire. The goal is to bridge the gap for individuals struggling with the rising cost of food and household essentials.

With the increased cost of food putting additional strain on household budgets, Community Larders have emerged as crucial support for communities striving to make ends meet. By offering access to affordable staple foods, these larders allow individuals and families to stretch their budgets further, ensuring that they can continue to meet other critical financial obligations such as bills and rent. This approach of providing early interventions and sustainable support aligns with the shared vision of West Northants Council and Northampton Hope Centre.

The consistent availability of goods is essential to the success of Community Larders, which typically rely on a combination of sources including food purchased from organizations like Fareshare and HisChurch, as well as donations from local supermarkets, public contributions, and grants provided by WNC. The introduction of donation stations in libraries is an important step in community sustainability, preventing surplice food from going to waste and ensuring it reaches those who are most in need.

Participating libraries include Brackely, Brixworth, Daventry, Deanshanger, Duston, Hunsbury, Northampton Central, Towcester, and Weston Favell. Plans are in place to expand the scheme to include community libraries in the near future.

Cllr Matt Golby, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health, said: “We are aware that low-income families and households across West Northamptonshire continue to experience challenges associated with cost of living pressures, particularly with the increased cost of food putting an additional strain on purse strings.

“These food donation points enable people to conveniently drop off goods at their local library to help those in need receive extra support and access affordable and nutritious food, whilst also raising awareness and encouraging a lasting and sustainable change when it comes to food waste within our communities.”

West Northants Council’s collaborative efforts with Northampton Hope Centre and local libraries reflect a strong commitment to fostering sustainable communities and providing meaningful support to individuals facing adversity.
