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Hedgehog Highway!

Help us to create a Hedgehog Highway in Brixworth!

Hedgehog Highway Fence Surrounds
Hedgehog Highway Fence Surrounds

Brixworth Parish Council have 50 Hedgehog Highway surrounds from Hedgehogs R Us. If you would like one, free of charge, please visit The Info Point at Brixworth Community Centre & Library Building. They will be available on Mondays and Wednesdays, between 10am – 12noon from next Monday, 20th of March.

A Hedgehog Highway is a 5 inch gap in a fence or wall allowing access for Hedgehogs. These gaps are essential in the battle to prevent the extinction of our endangered spiky friends.

The Hedgehog Highway allows hedgehogs to:

* Forage for food

* Meet mates to breed

* Access nesting sites

Please note we are limiting these to one per household due to the limited number available. Available whilst stock lasts.


Brixworth Post Office Consultation

Public consultation regarding a proposed move for the Brixworth Post Office.

Brixworth Post Office
The Brixworth Post Office

The Post Office have opened a public consultation regarding the proposed move of the Post Office from Hunter’s Way to Harborough Road.

For further information and to let the Post Office have your views, please visit the Consultation Hub via the link below.


Help our Hedge!

We are preparing to plant the third and final bit of our new village hedgerow in the Pocket Park off Eaglehurst. It is the third stretch of hedgrow sponsored by CPRE – the other two being the recent planting at St David’s park and The Ashway.

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We are working with the Friends of Brixworth Country Park who have kindly agreed to help with their expertise and practical help, but we want to get even more of the community involved!

We have two dates we are looking for help on. Saturday 18th March for ground clearing, and Sunday 26th of March for planting. The group of volunteers will gather at 10am on both days.

If you can help support, or have any tools that you could loan, please contact Cllr Christine Ware, who will be happy to hear from you.



Food Waste Action Week

The third annual Food Waste Action Week 2023 will take place 6-12 March.

The theme this year is Win. Don’t Bin and the campaign is a week of action which brings the nation together to save time and money by making the food we already have go further.

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Join us on our Facebook page all this week as we join in the fight against food waste. We will be sharing daily tips to reduce waste and save money!


Planning Committee

The next Planning Committee meeting will be held on Monday 6th of March at 7:30pm. The meeting will be held in the Brixworth Library and Community Centre building.

This is an open meeting and we welcome members of the public who may wish to attend.

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