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Holocaust Memorial Day

West Northamptonshire Council (WNC) will be marking Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD) on Friday, 27 January to remember the millions of people murdered during the Holocaust under Nazi persecution and in the genocides, which followed in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur.

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HMD takes place every year on 27 January. This year, the theme is ‘Ordinary People’, which signifies those who are persecuted, oppressed, and murdered in genocide aren’t persecuted because of crimes they’ve committed – they are persecuted simply because they are ordinary people who belong to a particular group.

To mark the day community groups and dignitaries will come together for a ceremony in the Great Hall, within the Guildhall, Northampton from 1pm to 2.30pm.

The event will commence with the lighting of candles and the laying of flowers in the Courtyard, followed by various speakers including Chairman of WNC Councillor Andre Gonzalez De Savage, WNC Leader Cllr Jonathan Nunn and Michael Necus, President of the Northampton Hebrew Congregation.

There will be performances from Northamptonshire schools and Northamptonshire Music and Performing Arts (NMPAT), as well as a reading of the statement of commitments from the Northamptonshire Youth Forum, followed by refreshments including Challah – a traditional Jewish bread.

Find out more here.


Full Council Meeting

The next Brixworth Parish Council meeting will take place on Thursday 26th January 2023 starting at 7:15pm. The meeting will be held in the Brixworth Library and Community Centre building.

This is a public meeting an we welcome members of the public to attend.

For the agenda and papers, please scan the QR code or visit

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Full Council Meeting

Planning Committee Meeting – CANCELLED

Our next Planning Committee Meeting will be held on Monday 23rd of January 2023, 7:30pm at the Brixworth Library & Community Centre building.

Apologies. This meeting has been cancelled as the legal minimal quorum of councillors required to attend has not been met.

We welcome members of the public to all of our Committee and Full Council meetings. Please note that the meeting may be recorded.

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Home Office rethink on West Northants asylum proposal.

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West Northamptonshire Council (WNC) has welcomed the Home Office’s decision not to pursue its current plans to temporarily house up to 400 additional asylum seekers in the area.

In December the Home Office informed the Council of its intention to use a former hotel as a fourth site for asylum contingency accommodation in West Northants, with the possibility of it becoming operational this month.

However yesterday evening (Friday 13 January) Home Office officials notified the Council that it had decided not to pursue use of the accommodation at present.

The move comes after WNC expressed its concerns over the unsuitability of the proposed location and the added strain that providing access to essential services would place on already-stretched health, education and social care.

Read more here.


Saturday Surgery

Our first Saturday Surgery of 2023 will be held this coming Saturday, 7th January, between 10am-12 noon in the foyer of the Brixworth Library & Community Centre building.

Councillor Lynne Compton and our Chairman Councillor Sandra Moxon will be attending.

Stop by to talk about village matters or just to say hello.

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