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Feed The Birds Day

Feed the Birds Day was established by the British Royal Society for the Protection of Birds. It is dedicated to the protection of birds in our environment. The organisation encourages people to put out food and water to feed birds. A home garden can provide food and shelter for birds, allowing more endangered species like house sparrows to feed.

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Dog Fouling

Dog mess is the most unacceptable and offensive type of litter on our streets.

Dog fouling is not only deeply unpleasant, it is dangerous. Whilst rare, contact with dog excrement can cause toxocariasis – a nasty infection that can lead to dizziness, nausea, asthma and even blindness or seizures.

While most dog owners are caring, responsible individuals, there are still some people who do not clean up after their pets.

Anyone* who fails to clear up after their dog can be issued with a Fixed Penalty Notice of up to £100. If the case goes to court this could cost the owner or person in charge of the animal up to £1,000.

*Registered blind people are not required to clean up after their guide dogs.

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