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The latest figures show that the drop in COVID-19 case rates has been slowest in the over 70s. Sadly we are still seeing deaths from COVID-19 in Northamptonshire and nationally.

As our older population were some of the first to get their vaccinations, along with those who are immunocompromised, it’s vitally important to make sure their protection from COVID-19 is topped up, as vaccine effectiveness appears to wane with time.  The Spring Booster campaign began in March.  Anyone over 75 who got their previous booster around six months ago is invited to get an additional booster dose of vaccine. Residents of older adult care homes are also eligible to receive the Spring booster jab, as well as people aged 12 and over who are immunosuppressed.  This additional booster is currently being offered to those at extremely high risk to help minimise the chance of becoming severely ill with COVID-19 and having to be admitted to hospital.

Will you check if loved ones who are older or immunocompromised have had their Spring Booster? Or have been invited but not yet booked an appointment, or taken up the offer?  This can be accessed online at or by calling 119.



Brixworth Parish Monthly Surgery – Saturday 7th of May

Cllr Elaine Coe

Cllr Elaine Coe

Cllr Sandra Moxon

Cllr Sandra Moxon

The next monthly Parish Council surgery takes place On Saturday the 7th of May at the Brixworth Community Centre and Library.

You can come along between 10am and 12noon and meet our Parish Council Chairman, Councillor Sandra Moxon and Councillor Elaine Coe.


Come and ask any questions you have or talk about village matters. Or just come along and say hello. They’ll be in the lobby.


Brixworth Parish Council Surgery – 2nd April 2022

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Cllr. Tony Nixon

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Cllr. Barbara Lunnon

The monthly Parish Council surgery takes place this Saturday, 2nd April at the Brixworth Community Centre and Library. You can come along between 10am and 12noon and meet Councillor Barbara Lunnon and Councillor Tony Nixon.

Come and ask any questions you have or talk about village matters. Or just come along and say hello. They’ll be in the lobby.



The long awaited new play area is due to be open this Friday 1 April 2022 at 15:45.

St David Play Area

There have been some last minute bits and pieces such as repairing the yellow gates, seeding the grass and rejuvenating the faithful rocking horse.

We look forward to seeing you and your children there.


Brixworth Parish Council Surgery – 5th March 2022

The monthly Parish Council surgery takes place this Saturday, 5th March at the Brixworth Community Centre and Library. You can come along between 10am and 12noon and meet Councillor Jackie Bird and Councillor Elaine Coe.

Come and ask any questions you have or talk about village matters. Or just come along and say hello. They’ll be in the lobby.

Cllr Elaine Coe

Cllr Elaine Coe

Cllr Jackie Bird

Cllr Jackie Bird
