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Regeneration of St David’s Playing Field to Start in the New Year!

Brixworth Parish Council is excited to announce that after many months, and indeed COVID-induced years, the first stage of the new children’s play area will begin in the first week of the new year.  The contract was awarded to Kompan, ‘the world’s No. 1 playground equipment supplier’.  Weather and pandemic permitting, it is hoped that the new play area will be ready to use by spring 2022.  Keiron Dowson, Kompan’s Contracts Manager, said ‘I’m very excited about this project; the materials which we are using are sympathetic to Brixworth’s rural environment and together with the new trees and the wildflower planting, I am confident that the residents will be very happy’.


Artist’s Impression – Kompan


Bus Service Improvement Plan

West Northamptonshire Council is committed to develop a Bus Service Improvement Plan and form an Enhanced Partnership with local bus operators to implement improvements in their bus networks in line with the Government’s National Bus Strategy “Bus Back Better”.

To help with this work, WNC are seeking your views on the improvements you would like to see in local bus services by answering the survey.

This is your opportunity to give feedback on bus services and help shape future plans for services across the county.


Grants for young people in Brixworth

Many families have found things challenging during the Covid 19 pandemic. A small cash grant for educational purposes may help those in need during this difficult time.

The Foundation of Thomas Roe provides small cash grants for young people, under 25, who live in the parishes of Brixworth or Scaldwell.

Grants have previously been provided to support young people with: purchase of school uniform; books and course materials; musical instruments; computer equipment; and travel expenses linked to education, including school trips.

Application forms can be downloaded here or from the Clerk at

Completed application forms must be returned to the Clerk, preferably by email and in Word format, by midnight on 6 October 2021 for consideration at the charity’s next meeting. This meeting is scheduled for 13 October, where grant applications will be considered.


Wildflowers Project


The Parish Council’s wildflowers are more than an addition to the local scenery. They support dwindling populations of native pollinators and ultimately benefits human populations as well as the environment.

This is a pilot project, partly funded by a Community Grant from Daventry District Council. (Now West Northants Council)

The Wildflowers can be seen on Northampton Road and Holcot Road.


Financial Year 20/21 – Accounts Available for Inspection

img 2950 2As a local elector, or an interested person, you have certain legal rights in respect of the accounting records of Brixworth Parish Council. As an interested person you can inspect accounting records and related documents. If you are a local government elector within Brixworth then you can also ask questions about the accounts and object to them.

You have the right to ask the auditor questions about the accounting records. However, before you ask the Auditor any questions you should first ask Brixworth Parish Council about the accounting records, since it holds all the details.

Before you ask the external auditor any questions, inspect the accounting records fully, so you know what they contain. Please remember that you cannot formally ask questions, under the Act, after the end of the period for the exercise of public rights. You may ask the Parish Council any questions about their accounts for any year, at any time. But these are not questions under the Act. The Parish Council is open and transparent – and any reasonable requests and questions will be dealt with.

You can ask the external auditor questions about an item in the accounting records for the financial year being audited. However, your right to ask the external auditor questions is limited. The external auditor can only answer ‘what’ questions, not ‘why’ questions. The external auditor cannot answer questions about policies, finances, procedures or anything else unless it is directly relevant to an item in the accounting records. Remember that your questions must always be about facts, not opinions. To avoid misunderstanding, we recommend that you always put your questions in writing.

It should be noted that –

  • You may not use this ‘right to object’ to make a personal complaint or claim against the Parish Council
  • Local taxpayers meet the costs of dealing with questions and objections. In deciding whether to take your objection forward, one of a series of factors the auditor must take into account is the cost that will be involved.
  • Objections if they think are frivolous or vexatious, or if it repeats an objection already considered will be disregarded.
  • Disagreeing with income or spending does not make it unlawful.

You can view the set of papers for the financial year 20/21 here.
