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Public Participation at the Daventry Planning Committee

The opportunity is afforded to Parish Councils, applicants and objectors to speak will be the only opportunity for them to speak.

In support of your case you may wish to use a map/photograph/other visual aid but this must be received by the Planning Department by 17.00 two days before the date of the Committee meeting  in order that it can be added to the presentation.

If you wish to speak, please notify the Committee Clerk, Governance Resources Team by either emailing on or telephone on 01327 302236/302324, anytime before 17.00  two days before the date of the Committee meeting. They will provide details of how to access the virtual meeting.

  • The Planning Officer will outline the item.
  • Members of the committee may with the permission of the Chair question the Planning Officer (questions only, not comments or general discussion).
  • A representative of the Parish Council will be allowed to speak to convey the views of the Parish. The speaker will be allowed no more than 3 minutes
  • The objector or a representative of the objectors (if more than one objector is present) is then allowed to address the meeting.

(NOTE: Only one person is allowed to speak for the objectors, but it is open to the Chairman to allow any more parties to speak, to enable further points to be raised).

The speaker will be allowed no more than 3 minutes in which to state his/her case.

  • The applicant or his/her representative (if present) may then address the meeting.

The speaker will be allowed no more than 3 minutes in which to state his/her case.

  • Debate takes place by the Council Members through the Chair.
  • The matter is put to the vote.


Discretionary grant funding for businesses

Small businesses in Daventry District are encouraged to apply for grants of up to £10,000 in the latest round of Government funding aimed at easing the impact of Covid-19.

Daventry District Council (DDC) is inviting small businesses that were not eligible for the Government’s other coronavirus support schemes to make applications to the new Discretionary Grant Fund.

The funding is aimed at businesses with under 50 employees that have seen a significant drop in income due to coronavirus, such as those in shared offices or other flexible workspaces, bed and breakfasts which pay Council Tax instead of Business Rates, some eligible charity properties and those who spend less than £51,000 a year renting or mortgaging a property.

The deadline for applications to the Council is the end of Sunday, 14 June 2020 and businesses can check the eligibility criteria and apply online via the DDC website at

DDC has already distributed £13.41m of Government funding to 1,138 local businesses during the coronavirus pandemic – including grants for retail, hospitality and leisure businesses, plus a series of small business rate relief grants.

Councillor Colin Morgan, Resource Portfolio Holder at Daventry District Council said: “Our staff have been working hard to ensure that local businesses receive the Government funding support that they are entitled to during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

“The Discretionary Grant Fund is aimed at those small businesses struggling significantly during these difficult times that aren’t eligible for the other government grant support schemes. I would urge any small local businesses who think they may qualify to visit our website to check the criteria and then apply online.”



Pitsford Water Reopens Tuesday 2nd June

As you know Anglian Water has been making plans to reopen PItsford Water safely and they know that many have been looking forward to getting back on the local trails. As AW are now confident that the reopening preparations are all in place, it is very happy to let you know that it will be reopening Pitsford Water (and its other water parks) from Tuesday 2nd June.

However, there will be some changes across the park to make sure social distancing can be maintained, to protect visitors and our colleagues. Toilets at the Fishing Lodge will be open though. AW ask people to check its  web page for full details:

It is clear that there is still a long road ahead in respect of living with Covid-19 and it’ll come as no surprise that, as with all walks of our current lives, things will look a little different for some time to come. AW will be monitoring the Government’s advice and the situation at the parks as the summer progresses, and will keep you updated on any changes that it needs to make.


Covid 19 – Pitsford Water Remains Closed

Anglian Water know that their leisure attractions are loved by many but the health and safety of their colleagues and visitors remains a top priority. Therefore, Pitsford Water will remain closed over the bank holiday and during half term, and they are asking everyone to respect this difficult decision.

In preparation for the potential influx of people attempting to visit Pitsford Water this weekend, they have worked with the local Highways teams to install temporary signage on access routes to Pitsford, warning drivers that the site is closed to the public.

Balancing the needs and wishes of communities is always a challenge and AW are keen to get back to some sense of normality. They are working on plans to reopen the parks as soon as they are confident that it can do so safely. As a tourism venue, AW have additional factors to consider, (unlike a regular park)  and they  must be certain that it meets all the guidance on social distancing.

Protecting staff has been at the forefront since the lockdown began, even though hundreds are out working every day to keep essential services flowing.  AW don’t want colleagues to face abuse as has sadly been the case recently.

It’s also very important to make sure that park staff are not being expected to police visitors or manage social distancing with crowds either.




As of Tuesday 19 May, Northamptonshire County Council has opened the car parks at each of its country parks.

Drivers will now be able to park at the Council’s five country parks in the county, which so far have only been accessible on foot.

Those who do visit country parks are asked to observe correct social distancing measures and show respect for other park users and staff. Dog walkers must also keep their dogs on a lead where other people are present, in order to ensure two metre distances are maintained.

Public toilets at the parks are currently closed, and play areas and cafes will remain closed for the foreseeable future.

Cllr Sandra Naden-Horley, county council cabinet member for corporate and community services said: “We understand that members of the public are keen to get outdoors again and we have been busy devising a strategy to make it safe for people to visit our country parks.

“We are likely to experience long queues in the first weekend of re-opening and visitors will be expected to abide by social distancing guidance, taking extra care around their own hygiene and respecting the safety of others.

“Keeping visitors, staff and local communities safe as lockdown restrictions evolve is our top priority, and this means we need to continue social distancing, avoid creating hotspots, and discourage gatherings in line with central government guidance.”

Normal parking charges are in operation at Northamptonshire country parks and the money raised will go back into maintaining the sites.

Season tickets can also be displayed for up to two months after the expiry date and season ticket holders are discouraged from trying to amend the ticket themselves, as this will invalidate the ticket.

In line with Public Health England guidance, residents who are vulnerable, or who are showing symptoms which may indicate coronavirus, should not visit country parks at all.

Residents are advised to check the council’s website for additional details. Please visit
