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Northamptonshire to go unitary in 2021

The Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, The Rt Hon James Brokenshire MP, has announced that two new unitary councils will be created in Northamptonshire.

One Council will cover the districts of Daventry, Northampton and South Northamptonshire, and be called “West Northamptonshire Council”. This will include the Brixworth Parish.

The other Council will cover the districts of Corby, East Northamptonshire, Kettering and Wellingborough and be called “North Northamptonshire Council”.

The announcement will allow all local government bodies in the county, including parish and town councils, to plan and prepare with greater clarity and certainty.

Vesting Day for the new unitary councils was originally planned for 1 April 2020, but it will now be 1 April 2021. This longer longer timescale will provide opportunity for greater transformation of services before the unitary councils come into being.

The announcement included arrangements for local elections. All parish and town councils in Northamptonshire will hold elections on 7 May 2020. On the same day there will be elections to the shadow councils, the precursors of the unitary councils.

The full written statement is at


Monthly Parish Council Surgery

The next Parish Council surgery takes place on Saturday 4th May 2019 at the Library and Community Centre. Why not pop along and speak to our Parish Councillors about local issues?

Councillor Kevin Parker and Councillor James Collyer will be hosting the surgery from 10am until noon.

Next months Parish Council surgery is planned for Saturday 1st June 2019.


Special offers to encourage Brixworth residents to get composting

Discounted compost bins are being offered to Brixworth residents in a bid to encourage more people to get composting.

As part of International Compost Awareness Week (5-11 May), the Northamptonshire Waste Partnership is working with to offer discounted compost converters from as little as £18.50. Residents can also buy a second composter for just £9.25 thanks to a fantastic ‘buy one get one half price’ offer.

Get composting’s Blackwall and Rainsaver products are made from 100{350aad3d9c21d5004237db7ec66427b4e95b8d5311eae14f62c11babf4f738e4} percent recycled plastic, including a combination of plastics collected by councils from waste segregation sites and kerbside collections as well as industrial waste such as old gas pipes, old wheeled bins and car bumpers.

As well as compost bins, the site also offers food waste digesters and hot composters, allowing people to compost all of their household food waste.

The Waste Resources Action Programme (WRAP) estimates that the use of a home compost bin diverts approximately 150 kilogrammes of waste per household away from landfill sites each year.

It is also a cheaper alternative to chargeable garden waste collections and has the added benefit of producing a free supply of top-quality compost, which has multiple uses including as a soil improver, mulch or plant feed and helps gardens retain moisture.

For full details of the offers, visit, or call 0844 571 4444.

The buy one get one half price offer is available on selected products. A one-off delivery charge of £5.99 applies.

The Northamptonshire Waste Partnership (NWP) is a partnership of Northamptonshire councils and was set up to improve joint working arrangements on waste management matters.

Find out more at


Don’t miss postal vote deadline for European election

People living in Brixworth have just days left to apply to vote by post for the European Parliamentary Election.

Daventry District Council is making preparations for the polling day on 23 May to elect East Midlands MEPs and must receive all applications for postal votes by 5pm next Wednesday, 8 May.

To apply for a postal vote email your name and address to and a form will be sent to you to complete, sign and send back, either via email or by post. Applications must have reached the Electoral Registration Officer by the deadline.

Due to a shorter timescale for arranging the election, poll cards will be sent out later than usual and residents are urged to make their postal vote applications as soon as possible to ensure they are processed in time.

Residents are reminded that there are no local council elections in Daventry District on 2 May after they were postponed by the Government for a year in the light of proposals to restructure councils in Northamptonshire. Any polling cards they receive in the coming days will be for the European election only.


Have you renewed your garden waste collections yet?

Residents in Brixworth have just a few weeks left to ensure they have renewed their garden waste collections for the year ahead.

The annual charge for the fortnightly service from the start of June 2019 until the end of May 2020 is £36 per bin. Households wishing to continue with the service must ensure they have renewed their subscription by Friday, 17 May to ensure no disruption to their collections cycle.

Residents can renew or sign up for the service using their credit or debit card at or by calling 0345 218 5215.

Those who sign up will then receive a permit sticker to place on their bin or it won’t be emptied. Residents who do not wish to renew the service for 2019/20 will receive their last garden waste collections during the week beginning 27 May 2019.

More than 20,000 homes signed up to the chargeable garden waste service when it was introduced in June last year by Daventry District Council (DDC) and its environmental services partner Daventry Norse. The service is not paid for by Council Tax and was made optional and self-funding so it could continue for only those who want it.
