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European Parliamentary election

People living in Daventry District have until Tuesday, 7 May to register to vote in the European Parliamentary election scheduled to take place next month.


Daventry District Council is making preparations for the polling day on Thursday, 23 May following the latest agreement by the European Union and UK to extend the Brexit deadline to the end of October.
Residents are reminded that there are no local council elections in Daventry District on 2 May after they were postponed by the Government for a year in the light of proposals to restructure councils in Northamptonshire. Any polling cards they receive in the coming weeks will be for the European election only.
The deadline for registering to vote in time for the European parliamentary election is midnight on Tuesday, 7 May. Those registering to vote for the first time can do so online at
Anyone unsure if they are registered, or who has recently moved house should contact the Council’s Electoral Services team on 01327 871100 or email
Postal vote applications need to be completed and sent to DDC’s Electoral Registration Officer by 5pm on Wednesday 8 May.
Applications to vote by proxy – when some votes on your behalf – must be received by DDC’s Electoral Registration Officer by 5pm on Wednesday 15 May, though if an elector falls ill or is called away on business after that date, they may be able to apply up to 5pm on 23 May.
To request an application form for a postal or proxy vote call 01327 871100 or email


Youth Commission – Police & Fire Services

A Youth Commission is being set up by the Office of the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner to ensure that the views of young people are heard and help change services for the better.

You can check out information about the commission at where you will find an information sheet that can be downloaded, and an online application form for young people to complete.

Applications from young people to whose voices might struggle sometimes to be heard and who have had experience of the criminal justice system are especially welcome.

Applications need to be in by 5th April.




2019/2020 Precept

The Brixworth Parish Council has set its budget for 2019/2020. The total expenditure for the year is £183,680 with £163,620 of this coming from the ‘precept’.

The Parish Council has the right to raise this money via the Council Tax process and the ‘Brixworth Precept’ is shown on your itemised Council Tax Bill.

The Parish Council uses it money to maintain its parks & recreation grounds, grass cutting, community grants, some street lighting and litter picking as well as playing its part in the structure of local democracy. In addition to the precept the Parish Council also has money set aside for special projects.

The new precept has increased this year by approximately 4 pence per week on band D properties.


Review of Polling Arrangements

The District Council is currently carrying out a review of Polling Districts, Polling Places and Polling Stations. The aim of the review is to seek to ensure that all electors in the constituency have such reasonable facilities for voting and to ensure the Polling Places are accessible to all electors with a disability.

You can submit your views by using the on-line survey at Survey Monkey.

The deadline for comments is 12th April 2019.


Police Liaison

The perception of crime is often the biggest problem we have and it was no different when the Parish Council recently met up with the Daventry Community Safety Manager and the Neighbourhood Police Officer.

The fact is that the Brixworth crime figures are diminishing year-on-year.

However there had been a recent spike in theft from vehicles in the village and a gang from Nottingham had been subsequently arrested. Violent crime, including domestic violence, saw a slight increase, which is in line with national trends.

Is there less crime? Well, it’s not quite as simple as that. Social media plays its part in increasing this perception but there certainly isn’t the evidence to suggest that  local crime is increasing or out of control. The Parish Council has agreed to continue to promote community safety in the following ways:

Encourage the reporting of crime: Police resources are allocated to hot spots. Without reports, these areas cannot be identified. Use the 101 hotline to report crime where possible.

Work with the Neighbourhood Watch Team: Provide signage and resources, and encourage volunteers and community members to play a role in crime prevention.

Promote Crime Prevention: Share key messages via social media. The Parish Council can link to Northants Police who recommend products which can be used by the community.

Host Events: Such as a tool marking morning for local trades people.

Promote Seasonal Safety: From the Northants Police and the Community Safety Team.

Use the Crime Prevention Officer: Look at lighting levels, landscaping etc and recommend improvements.

