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October Parish Surgery


This Saturday (6th October ) sees our next Parish Council surgery take place at the Library and Community Centre. Why not pop along and speak to our Parish Councillors about local issues?

Councillor Jackie Bird and Councillor Stuart Coe will be hosting the surgery from 10am until noon.

Next months surgery is planned for Saturday 3rd November 2018.


Changes to animal licensing laws

Animal licensing laws have changed with the introduction of new legislation today (Monday 1 October).

The new regulations affect how residents and local businesses buy and sell pets, use day care or animal boarding services, and keep and train animals for exhibitions. People who are breeding animals or hiring out horses are also affected.

The changes have been brought in to update a number of existing laws under a single piece of legislation, to ensure that animal welfare standards are improved across all aspects of care, including sales. 

It has also simplified the system, with the introduction of a single general licence for all animal activities.

The Central Licensing Administration Unit (CLAU) is responsible for the administration of animal licensing in Daventry District, and guidance on the new legislation has been published on their website at

The changes require anyone offering day care or home-boarding to apply for a licence. Premises which are already licensed will only be subject to the changes at the time of renewal.

Breeders and those who sell pets, including through private sales, should contact the CLAU to check whether the new legislation applies to them.  

Anyone who previously registered a performing animal with Northamptonshire County Council needs to apply for a licence from the CLAU under the new requirements. 

A star rating system has also been rolled out for all animal activity licences, with ratings ranging from one to five, five being the maximum that can be achieved.  The duration of licences are determined by the star rating achieved. 

To apply for a licence or find out more, visit the CLAU at, email, or phone 01832 742102.


Planning Committee Responds to Consultation

The Parish Council’s Planning Committee agreed last night (Monday 24th September) to formally object to the proposal to demolish the Red Lion Public House on Harborough Road and replace it with a new retail unit for the Coop.

Grounds for objection included:

  1. Road Safety – there are concerns regarding the location of the site and its access and parking arrangements. This development would bring increased risks to both pedestrians and road users.
  2. The building design of the proposed store is not compatible with the designated Brixworth Conservation Area.
  3. There is an inadequate number of car parking spaces for the size of the store and its likely demand.
  4. The proposal is contrary to the Daventry District Local Plan Policy EN 2 .
  5. The development constitutes ‘over massing’ of the site
  6. The proposed opening hours are unsuitable for a store that is within a conservation area and is predominantly residential.  
  7. The development would have a negative impact on the residential area and its local amenities

To view this application please click on the link. (DA/2018/0580) You can also comment on this proposal from this page.

Daventry District Council is the Local Planning Authority and will make the decision on this application. The date of the DDC Planning Committee is not yet known.


Grants available

There is a local charity with funds available for persons aged up to 25 years and who are resident within the parishes of Brixworth and Scaldwell.

Cash grants are available to any qualifying person for use for educational purposes. Grants can be made to assist in the purchase of school uniform, books, course materials, musical instruments and computer equipment and may also be available towards the costs of travelling expenses linked to an educational venture including school trips.

Any person who wishes to apply can download an application form by clicking here.

Meetings of the Trustees are held twice yearly to consider applications. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 3rd October 2018.

Further details about the Charity can be obtained from the Clerk to the Trustees Ursula Morris on 505554 or by email:
