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Community Remedy – Consultation


Anti-social behaviour and low level crime affects people’s life on a daily basis. Acts such as vandalism, damage to someone’s property, noise, drunkenness, low level theft, or harassment can have a real impact on individuals, businesses and whole communities.

In low level cases where the offender admits the offence, and with the agreement of the victim, the victim can work with the police to choose how the offender should make amends from a list of options, called a community remedy.

There are different options available, and these include:  providing the victim with financial compensation; the offender repairing the damage or undertaking other unpaid work; apologising to the victim or meeting them face-to-face; for an offender to attend treatment if they have drug or alcohol issues.

You are invited you to participate in a consultation  on the options that are offered as part of the community remedy, and to suggest any alternative options you think are missing.

To take part in the survey, visit the PCC’s website at and respond by Friday 28 September.



Welcome to SID

SID is our new ‘Speed Indicator Device’ currently based on Northampton Road which will accurately measure oncoming vehicle speed and displays this value to the driver. The speed will only be indicated if it is less than 40 mph. Any one exceeding this receives a ‘slow down’ message only.

SID is mobile and will be used in a variety of locations throughout Brixworth. It records data which can then be used to determine the need for introducing other methods of enforcement such as the Speed Camera Van.

From studies elsewhere in the country there is concrete evidence that Speed Indication Devices reduce speed and reduces the chance of a collision.

SID has been installed as a result of feedback from the Brixworth residents and was financed from the Brixworth Parish Council 2017/18 precept at a cost of £3,600.

Please drive safely and slowly.


Planning Consultation

Daventry District Council is consulting on the proposed submission Settlements and Countryside Plan (Part 2). This runs from Monday 13th August until Friday 5th October 2018.

This Plan will include a proposed revision to our Special Landscape Area. As a result of this revision, an area of flood plain from Boughton Crossing to Maidwell including that part of the Parish of Brixworth west of Northampton Road and Froghall, will now be excluded from the revised Special Landscape Area.

This would be contrary to the community led Brixworth Neighbourhood Plan and we are concerned that this could reduce the level of protection against development in the countryside.

The District Council is holding a staffed exhibition at Brixworth for people wishing to find out more about the Local Plan. This will take place at the Brixworth Library on Monday 3rd September between 2pm and 6pm.

Further details about the Local Plan, the consultation and the supporting evidence base are available from the District Council’s  website:

Residents are asked to make their views known through the consultation process, particularly by visiting the staffed exhibition on 3rd September.




Entrance Planters

Last Spring Brixworth Parish Council organised planters at the entrances to the village.

The bright floral displays won great praise and feedback from residents, including Lynne Compton who said: ‘what a lovely addition to the village’.

Following this success, the scheme has been extended to include Station Cottages on Station Road.

The Parish Council wish to thank Brixworth & Scaldwell Scouts, the Parish Council groundsman and Mr Troop for making this scheme such a success.

