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Community Grants

The Parish Council has recently awarded a number of important small grants for the benefit of the Brixworth residents.

We are pleased that these grants encourage and support our voluntary organisations with their community activities and projects.

All applications for funding are considered on their merits and the amount of any Grant awarded is always at the sole discretion of the Parish Council. The grants awarded during the last financial year include £300 to the University of the Third Age (U3A), £525 to Brixworth Juniors Football Club, £4,000 to the Saxon Spires Patients’ Participation Group, £762 to meet the printing costs of the 2018 Brixworth Calendar and £1500 to the Brixworth Music Festival.

If your local group would like to be considered for a Brixworth Community Grant please check eligibility and download the forms from here.


Have your say on the future of local government

It is proposed that local government in Northamptonshire should change.

One important reason for this is that a recent Northamptonshire County Council Inspection report, commissioned by the Government, found that the County Council did not have the right culture, governance and processes to make robust decisions, and subsequently has over-spent on its budget in previous years and faces significant on-going budget deficits.

It is important that you have a say in how these and many other services are delivered in the future.

You can read more about the proposals at

From this web site there is a link to a questionnaire available for you to complete. It is important that your views are heard before any decisions are made


Audit for the year ended 31 March 2017

The accounts for the year ending 31st March 2017 have been audited by BDO.

The annual return including the certificate and notice of conclusion of audit can be found here.

All of the actions identified within the Auditors report have been actioned and the Parish Council has approved and accepted both the annual return and the certificate..

For further enquiries on the 16/17 accounts please contact the Parish Clerk.


Do you want to be a Parish Councillor?

We currently have vacancies on the Parish Council.

This is a rewarding volunteer role within the community and by contributing just a few hours per month you can be involved in the local decision-making process. The Parish Council meets monthly in the Village Hall (last Thursday of the month) and we have a friendly team of Councillors who work together for the benefit of Brixworth.

Parish Councillors decide which activities to support, where locally raised money should be spent, what services should be delivered and ensure that the Council operates within its powers. The Parish Council comments on local planning applications and it is also the sole trustee for the Community Centre.

Training, development and support is offered to new Councillors. The meetings are jargon-free and usually finish by 9.30pm.

This is a great opportunity to volunteer and get involved. Younger people could also reap the benefit of having community involvement on their CV!

Applicants should be on the electoral register and be over 18 years old. You must have lived in the Parish, owned land, or worked in the Parish for at least 12 months.

Interested? Please access the form at and return it completed to the Parish Clerk ()


Parish Council Surgery

This Saturday (2nd June) sees our next Parish Council surgery take place at the Library and Community Centre. Why not pop along and speak to our Parish Councillors about local issues?

Councillor Alan Lovell and Councillor Sandra Moxon will be hosting the surgery from 10am until noon.

Next months surgery is planned for Saturday 7th July 2018.
