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General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)

The Parish Council is all prepared for the new General Data Protection Regulations (“GDPR”). It has adopted and updated its relevant policies & procedures and also appointed a Data Protection Officer. Although similar to previous legislation the GDPR does impose new burdens on the Parish Council, including new reporting requirements and the potential for increased fines and penalties.

Residents can be assured that any data held by the Parish Council will be processed lawfully and the data would only be used for the purpose which it was provided for. We do not share your data and we do not store it any longer than necessary. Any data we do hold will be secure and this will be maintained on an ongoing basis to keep our records both accurate and relevant.

If you are interested in the new legal requirements please visit the Informations Commissioners web site.


We currently have vacancies on the Brixworth Parish Council.

This is a rewarding volunteer role within the community and by contributing just a few hours per month you can be involved in the local decision-making process. The Parish Council meets monthly in the Village Hall (last Thursday of the month) and we have a friendly team of Councillors who work together for the benefit of Brixworth.

Parish Councillors decide which activities to support, where locally raised money should be spent, what services should be delivered and ensure that the Council operates within its powers. The Parish Council comments on local planning applications and it is also the sole trustee for the Community Centre.

Training, development and support is offered to new Councillors. The meetings are jargon-free and usually finish by 9.30pm.

This is a great opportunity to volunteer and get involved. Younger people could also reap the benefit of having community involvement on their CV!

Applicants should be on the electoral register and be over 18 years old. You must have lived in the Parish, owned land, or worked in the Parish for at least 12 months.

Interested? Please access the form at and return it completed to the Parish Clerk ()




Parish Council Surgery

This Saturday (5th May) sees our next Parish Council surgery take place at the Library & Community Centre.

Why not pop along and speak to our Parish Councillors on local issues?

Councillor Elaine Coe and Councillor Jackie Bird will be hosting the surgery from 10am until noon.

Next month’s Parish Council Surgery is planned for Saturday 2nd June 2018.



Parish Council Surgery

This Saturday (7th April) sees our next Parish Council surgery take place at the Library & Community Centre.

Why not pop along and speak to our Parish Councillors about local issues? Councillor Jackie Bird and Councillor Kevin Parker will be hosting the Surgery from 10am until noon.

The next surgery is planned for Saturday 5th May

