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Our Annual Accounts

Brixworth Parish Council’s annual return needs to be reviewed by BDO, our external auditor.  Any person interested has the right to inspect the accounting records for the financial year to which the audit relates and all books, deeds, contracts, bills, vouchers, and receipts and other documents relating to those records or documents.

These documents are available on reasonable notice by application between 10:00am and 3.00 pm on working days (excluding public holidays), commencing on 3rd July 2017 until 11th August 2017.

If you wish to view these documents, please contact the Parish Clerk direct.

View the Annual Return here 



Next Parish Council Surgery

This Saturday (July 1st) sees our next Parish Council surgery take place at the Library & Community  Centre. Why not pop along and speak to our Parish Councillors about local issues? Councillors Kevin Parker and Stephen James will be hosting the Surgery from 10am until noon.


Contacting the Police

If you ever need to contact the Police then you can do so through a variety of routes.

It is important that you call 999 immediately if you are reporting a crime that is in progress or if someone is in immediate danger.

For non-urgent crime you can use the contact channel that is most convenient to  you.

You can call 101 to report crimes that are not an emergency. You can also call 101 to give information to the police or make an enquiry.

You can also contact Northants Police by using an online form. There is a different form for each category of crime.

If you just want information from the Police then you can use the self help web site called ‘Ask the Police’.

Help the Brixworth community keep on top of crime and anti social behaviour. If you see it – report it.


Centrebus Service 60 Under Review

Centrebus operates an early bus service (Number 60) picking up at Brixworth Library at 7.06am to arrive at the Northampton Bus Interchange  at 7.30am. (Monday to Friday)

Would any change to this timetable affect you?

There is also the Stagecoach X7 bus service which arrives in Brixworth at 7.04am and arrives in Northampton at 7.27am.

A new contract is being considered for the Centrebus service and the timetable is under review. Please send any comments that you may have to our Parish Clerk, by 19th May, who will then collate and pass onto the Northants County Council Highways Team.


Use Your Vote on 4th May

The Northamptonshire County Council elections take place on Thursday 4th May between the hours of 7am and 10pm

The Brixworth Division Polling Station is the Village Hall, Holcot Road, Brixworth.

Please don’t forget to use your vote!
