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Brixworths Great British Spring Clean 2017

Children can teach us many things and it was inspiring to see so many children involved in Brixworth’s Litter Pick which took place on 18 March 2017.  The youngest child to volunteer was two years old and the oldest was 12. We should be proud that these children stepped forward to clear up the waste discarded by others.

Many adult members of the public also turned up to make our village a more pleasant place to live, including representatives from the 1st Brixworth & Scaldwell Girl Guides, Brixworth Christian Fellowship and the Olive Branch. One dog walker was apologetic that he could only offer ten minutes of his time, but we were grateful to all volunteers, and ten minutes the volunteer filled half a bag. Just ten minutes made a real difference!

The volunteers litter picked The Ashway Playing Field and the streets and footpaths around The Ashway, Spratton Road playing field, Northampton Road (including the layby to the south of the village), and the Conservation Area including the church grounds. In total, 49 full bags were collected, plus ten tyres, a pair of Hunter wellies, two very sad dolls, some wire fencing, an oxygen tank and a microwave oven!

Brixworth Parish Council would like to thank the volunteers from Brixworth Christian Fellowship and the Olive Branch for providing free refreshments, and the 1st Brixworth & Scaldwell Scouts for providing the gazebo.

Extra special thanks to all the members of public, old and young, who gave up their own time.


Annual Parish Meeting 2017

This year’s Annual Parish Meeting will be held on Tuesday 18th April at the Community Centre, Spratton Road, Brixworth. Refreshments will be served from 7.00pm, and the meeting will start at 7.30pm.


This is not a Parish Council meeting, but an opportunity for local residents to get together and find out about what’s been happening in Brixworth, and what’s being planned for the future. It also provides an opportunity to informally chat with your Parish Councillors over a cup of coffee before the meeting. Everyone’s invited!

We also inviting key members of local organisations to come along and talk about their groups’ events and activities. This is an excellent opportunity to raise the profile of local organisation’s within the village and seek help with any of the challenges they might face. 

If you would like to give a short presentation about your community organisation, please get in touch with the Clerk to the Parish Council, Mr Peter Rowbotham. ">

We look forward to welcoming you on 18th April.


The Brixworth Litter Pick – Saturday 18th March

The Brixworth community is playing its part in the Great British Spring Clean of 2017.

We want to keep our village clean and green. Our Spring Clean event takes place on Saturday 18th March and this follows previous successful litter picks. Can you volunteer for a few hours to help remove the unwanted litter in our village?

Meet us at The Ashway at 14:00 where litter picking equipment will be provided along with free refreshments!


Keeping Our Village ‘Clean and Green’

You can access Daventry District Council street scene services quickly and easily on line.

The District Council has a priority for ‘clean and green space’ which is achieved through improved street and environmental cleanliness.  You can report a range of issues including litter picking, street cleaning and dog fouling through its web site.

Reports,  requests, comments, complaints and compliments are all welcome at
