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Litter Picking Campaign

Due to the success of previous litter picking campaigns, the Parish Council has decided to organise twice-yearly events. The first litter pick of 2017 will take place on Saturday 18th March. Please meet at St David’s Recreation Ground for 2pm. (Finish for 430pm)

The second litter pick will be held late in Autumn and this date is yet to be confirmed. Details of both litter picks will be published on this website and through social media pages.

You may have seen the litter pickers from Amey in the village recently. Following numerous complaints to Daventry District Council by local residents, DDC sent litter pickers to the reported problem areas: Spratton Road (especially around the shops); The Slip; The Ashway; and the stretch of road leading out of the village by the cricket ground.

In general, litterbugs are far more likely to drop their rubbish in spots where there’s already litter around. We won’t stop them altogether, but we now have the opportunity to stop the ‘normalisation’ of litter in the village.



Brixworth Neighbourhood Plan Referendum Results

The Declaration of Result of Poll has been received from Daventry District Council.  The questions asked in the Referendum held on 1st December 2016 was:

Do you want Daventry District Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Brixworth to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?

To see the result of Poll please click on the link below:


Community, General, Planning

Christmas has arrived in Brixworth

The Parish Council would like to thank everyone for their positive comments regarding the Christmas trees and lights that went up in the village yesterday. Following feedback from you last year, the Parish Council decided to try and do something for Christmas 2016. In March two Councillors, Sandra Moxon and Jackie Bird along with our Clerk Emma Baker, set about investigating what we could do. After six months of work that included talking to local businesses, handling insurance issues, making sure that all health and safety issues were covered, resourcing the right trees and lights, they took delivery of 25 Christmas trees, 25 tree holders and 25 sets of lights.

Over the last two days, with fantastic support from the Parish Council grounds man, Marc Sugden and local resident, Miles Tildesley, Sandra and Jackie had all the trees in place.

Yesterday evening, with a clear sky and a crisp chill in the air, the lights went on and Brixworth felt just a little warmer and definitely festive.

Thank you to all the local businesses and organisations that agreed to host the trees and to everyone who worked so hard to make it possible.

We hope you enjoy them.


Community, General