Save Brixworth Northampton Road Allotments –

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Member of Brixworth Northampton Road Allotment Association

22/03/2024 – Phil Pinder and members of the Brixworth Northampton Road Allotments Association presented the petition to WNC at the meeting of the Full Council on March 21st 2024. You can watch Phil’s address in the video below.

20/03/2024 – The Allotment Petition is now closed and will be presented to West Northants Council on the 21st of March 2024.

Allotments are a core asset for our communities.
Since 1969, 30% of the then available allotments land has been lost irrevocably.
Allotments provide social capital, are excellent for health and wellbeing, provide fresh, local seasonal produce which gets shared wider than just the allotment holder, provide a sense of achievement and provide invaluable contact with nature.
We call upon West Northants Council to do all that it can to support our community in saving these allotments on Northampton Road, Brixworth
This could include providing legal advice and support as well as considering the purchase of the land to run them as a council facility operated for both current and future generations.

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We’re thrilled to share that the Brixworth Northampton Road Allotment Association, allotment holders and members of Brixworth Parish Council joined a reporting team from ITV Anglia News on Friday 2nd February, to highlight the campaign to save the allotments. Huge thanks to everyone who joined and shared their stories!

We were featured on ITV Anglia News on Saturday, Feb 3rd.